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GCSE and iGCSE Physics digital textbooks

A 1 yr full site licence for just 159 GBP!
(Includes GG premium account)

Clear | Concise | Student-friendly

AQA GCSE Physics book cover Edexcel iGCSE Physics book cover

Analysis of Results

Formative assessment made easy!

This tool allows you to see how well your students have done question by question, compared to the worldwide average.

Just login to the teachers area, and then pull up a single test done by one of your classes. Now click the 'analyse' button.The site will generate a table and graph like this showing which questions caused problems first time around. It also generates a full table of correct/incorrect answers student by student.

It's great for spotting missed content or areas in need of review.

Grade Gorilla analysis of results
Grade Gorilla analysis of results #2

School Acccounts

Why have a school account?

This site is designed for formative assessment with classes.

Once your school is registered:

Is there a charge?

It is free to sign up! Later on you can choose which account you would like:

We will give you a free 1 month trial premium account when you sign up, which will then revert to a free basic account unless you choose to pay for premium.

To find out more about the difference between the two accounts, please click here.

Do students need to register?

Student registration is optional. All of our resources are free for them. A student account simply tracks the revision quizzes they have taken so far, giving summary charts and tables to students. If no account is created, students can still submit their name and school at the end of quizzes so schools can see how they did.

Over 5 million quizzes completed

Grade Gorilla world-wide users

Grade Gorilla heat map

How it works:

This is a free site! Registration is optional.

Just find a topic you want to revise. Each topic consists of multiple choice revision questions. After each section submit your answers to save them and move on. You can check and change them later.

At the end of each revision quiz you can either

Are you ready?

If you need practice questions at the end of your physics topic, this IS the #1 site - and it's FREE!