Electricity is passed through a concentrated solution of sodium chloride using inert electrodes.
Sodium ions (Na+), chloride ions (Cl-), hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) are all present in the solution.

U-tube electrolysis

10. To which electrodes are the ions attracted during electrolysis?

  Attracted to cathode Attracted to anode
A Na+ and H+ Cl- and OH-
B Na+ and Cl- H+ and OH-
C H+ and OH- Na+ and Cl-
D Cl- and OH- Na+ and H+
11. What is the product at the negative electrode?
  • A.   oxygen
  • B.   sodium
  • C.   chlorine
  • D.   hydrogen
12. What is the test for the gas produced at the positive electrode?
  • A.   pops with a lit splint
  • B.   bleaches damp indicator paper
  • C.   relights a glowing splint
  • D.   turns limewater milky

13. After electrolysis is complete what solution would be left behind?

  • A.   sodium chloride solution
  • B.   sodium hydroxide solution
  • C.   water
  • D.   hydrochloric acid
14. Which statement about these electrolysis reactions is correct?
  • A.   A metal is formed at the anode when molten lead(II) bromide is electrolyzed.
  • B.   A metal is formed at the cathode when aqueous sodium chloride is electrolysed
  • C.   A colourless gas forms at anode when molten sodium oxide is electrolyzed.
  • D.   A brown gas forms at the cathode when molten lead(II)bromide is electrolysed
15. Copper(II)sulfate solution, CuSO4(aq), was electrolyzed using inert (carbon) electrodes.
What products are formed at each electrode during the electrolysis?
  Negative electrode Positive electrode
A copper Sulfur dioxide
B copper oxygen
C hydrogen Sulfur dioxide
D hydrogen oxygen
16. Molten sodium chloride and concentrated aqueous sodium chloride were both electrolyzed using carbon electrodes.

Which row gives the products formed at the electrodes during these experiments?

  Molten sodium chloride Concentrated aqueous sodium chloride
  Anode Cathode Anode Cathode
A chlorine sodium chlorine hydrogen
B chlorine  sodium chlorine sodium
C sodium chlorine oxygen hydrogen
D sodium chlorine hydrogen chlorine
17. Substance X was electrolyzed.

A colourless gas formed at the anode and a metal at the cathode.
What was substance X, and which electrodes were used?

  • A.   copper(II)sulfate solution with copper electrodes
  • B.   molten aluminium oxide with carbon electrodes
  • C.   concentrated aqueous sodium chloride with platinum electrodes
  • D.   molten lead(II)bromide with carbon electrodes
18. Silver and hydrogen can both be formed by electrolysis. At which electrodes do these elements form?
  silver hydrogen
A anode anode
B anode cathode
C cathode anode
D cathode cathode

During the electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid the following half-reactions occur at the electrodes:

  • Cathode: 2H+ + 2e-  H2
  • Anode:  4OH-  O2 + 2H2O + 4e-

19. At which electrode did oxidation occur? Explain how you know.

  Oxidation occurs at.. Reason 
A cathode Hydrogen ions have gained electrons
B cathode Hydrogen ions have lost electrons
C anode Hydroxide ions have gained electrons
D anode Hydroxide ions have lost electrons
20. What is the volume ratio of hydrogen gas to oxygen gas in this experiment?
  • A.   1 to 1
  • B.   1 to 2
  • C.   2 to 1
  • D.   4 to 1