10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5?

Q1-3: These questions are about the forces acting on a meteor as it falls to Earth.


 1. When drawing an arrow to show the size of the force of gravity on the meteor, which of these images shows the correct placement for the arrow?

force arrows on a meteor

2. The force of gravity as shown by the arrow in Q1 can be labelled in many ways. Which of these is likely to marked as incorrect?

  • A. weight
  • B. mg
  • C. gravity
  • D. downwards force of gravity from the Earth

3. Which of these diagrams correctly shows the size of the forces on the meteor as it is moving at a very high velocity downwards but slowing down due to air resistance? The meteor has been drawn as a point.

force arrows on 4 asteroids #2

Q4-6. The diagram below shows a stationary block on a slope. The mass of the block is m.

4. Which of the diagrams below correctly shows all the forces acting on the block?


block on slope

5. In which direction is the resultant force acting in question 4?

  • A. Up the slope.
  • B. Down the slope.
  • C. Towards the centre of the Earth.
  • D. There is no resultant force.

6. Which of these statements is true?

  • A. Normal force = m.g.sinθ
  • B. Normal force= m.g.cosθ
  • C. Normal force= m.sinθ
  • D. Normal force= m.cosθ

7. A stone of mass 0.5 kg is dropped from a height. At one point in the drop the stone is accelerating at 3 ms-2. At this point, the force from air resistance is approximately..

  • A. 5 N
  • B. 3.5 N
  • C. 3 N
  • D. 1.5 N


8&9. These questions are about a mass on a spring of spring constant k = 500 N m-1.
(For all spring questions, assume Hooke's law is obeyed.)


mass spring system
Svjo - wikimedia commons - edited CC3.0

8. What force is applied to give an extension of 5 cm?

  • A. 100 N
  • B. 10 N
  • C. 2500 N
  • D. 25 N

9. A mass of 4 kg as added to the spring. The extension will be:

  • A. 1.2 cm
  • B. 12 cm
  • C. 8 cm
  • D. 0.08 cm

10. A different spring has a length of 15 cm with a mass of 2 kg added, and 19 cm with a mass of 3 kg. What is the spring constant k for this spring, and what is the length L when 5 kg is added?

k / N m-1 L / cm
2.5 20
2.5 27
250 20
250 27