10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5?

 1. Which of these best describes how to connect ammeters and voltmeters in a circuit?

Ammeter Voltmeter
series series
parallel series
series parallel
parallel parallel

2. Which of these statements best explains what an 'ohmic' conductor is?

  • A. A conductor where the current through it is directly proportional to the potential difference.
  • B. A conductor where the current through it is directly proportional to the resistance.
  • C. A conductor where the resistance is proportional to the potential difference.
  • D. A conductor where the power loss through heating is proportional to the potential difference.

3+4. The following diagrams are resistor networks made of 12Ω resistors:

resistor network x4

3. Which of the above networks has the highest resistance?

4. Which of the above networks has a resistance of 4Ω?

5. A 3Ω resistor is connected to a 12V supply of negligible internal resistance. Which of these gives the power lost as heat in the resistor, and the current flowing through it?

Power (W) Current (A)
36 4
36 0.25
48 4
48 0.25

6. Which of these statements best describes ideal ammeters and voltmeters?

  • A. Ammeters and voltmeters should have zero resistance.
  • B. Ammeters and voltmeters should have infinite resistance.
  • C. Ammeters should have infinite resistance, voltmeters should have zero resistance.
  • D. Ammeters should have zero resistance, voltmeters should have infinite resistance.

7. The graph below shows the currents (I) across a component at different potential differences (V). A tangent line labelled T has been drawn at the point labelled X.

V_I graph for a component


Which of the following will give the resistance of the component at point x on the graph?


8-10. A circuit is set up as shown below:

resistor netwrok with ammeter and cell

8. What is the total resistance of the 3 resistors in this network?

  • A. 1.5 Ω
  • B. 3 Ω
  • C. 5 Ω
  • D. 9 Ω

9. What is the reading on the ammeter?

  • A. 0.67 A
  • B. 1 A
  • C. 2 A
  • D. 4 A

10. What is the p.d. across the 1Ω resistor?

  • A. 1 V
  • B. 2 V
  • C. 3 V
  • D. 4 V