10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5?

 1. Steam has a high internal energy and can cause severe burns. Internal energy is defined as...

  • A. the total intermolecular potential and random kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance.
  • B. the total intermolecular potential energy only.
  • C. the total kinetic energy only.
  • D. the total kinetic, potential and chemical energy stored in a substance.

2. 1 kg of sea water at 20 0C has a specific heat capacity of cw. What is the specific heat capacity of 2 kg of sea water at 40 0C?

  • A. ½cw
  • B. cw
  • C. 2cw
  • D. 4cw

3-5. The graph shown below shows the temperature change of solid lead as heat energy is supplied, and the lead melts. Heat energy is transferred at a constant rate.

phase change graph


3. Which feature of the graph above shows the specific heat capacity of solid lead?

  • A. The gradient of line z.
  • B. The gradient of line x.
  • C. The length of line y.
  • D. The area under line y.

4. Which feature of the graph above shows the specific heat capacity of liquid lead?

  • A. The gradient of line z.
  • B. The gradient of line x.
  • C. The length of line y.
  • D. The area under line y.

5. Which feature of the graph above shows the latent heat of fusion of lead?

  • A. The gradient of line z.
  • B. The gradient of line x.
  • C. The length of line y.
  • D. The area under line y.

6. The temperature of 2 substances, P and Q, are stated as 200 0C and -100 0C. In units of kelvin (K), this is....

  • A. P = 73 K, Q = -373 K
  • B. P = 173 K, Q = 473 K
  • C. P = 473 K, Q = 373 K
  • D. P = 473 K, Q = 173 K
7. Approximately 4000 J of energy is needed to heat 1 kg of copper by 10 0C. How much energy is needed to heat 0.5 kg of copper by 40 0C?

By Wdwd | CC BY-SA 3.0

  • A. 16 kJ
  • B. 2 kJ
  • C. 1 kJ
  • D. 8 kJ



8-10. A sample of 1 kg of liquid is heated by a 100 W electric heater. The graph shows the increase in temperature with time:

heating graph, temperature against time



8. What is total heat energy Q suppiled to the liquid in this time?

  • A. 10 000 J
  • B. 20 000 J
  • C. 1 000 J
  • D. 2 000 J

9. Which of the following formulas can be used to calculate the specific heat capacity c of the liquid?


10. The experiment is repeated, once with double the mass of the same liquid, and a second time with a liquid of lower specific heat capacity. What effect would this have on the gradient of the graph above?

Higher mass of liquid Liquid of lower specific heat capacity
gradient of line decreases gradient of line decreases
gradient of line decreases gradient of line increases
gradient of line increases gradient of line decreases
gradient of line increases gradient of line increases