10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5?

Q1-3. Look at these 4 circuit diagrams:

Which of these ...

1. will not work?
2. is a series circuit?
3. is a parallel circuit?

4. A student wants to add a switch to the circuit below to turn bulb X on/off but leave bulb Y on. Where should it go?

Q5+6: These questions are about current in circuits.

5. Which of these ammeters is in the right place to measure the current through bulb X?

6. The current through bulb X shown in Q5 was measure to be 2 amps. What is the current through bulb Y, and what is the total current from the cell?

Bulb Y Total current from cell
2 A 2 A
4 A 2 A
2 A 4 A
4 A 4 A
Q 7&8. Three identical bulbs, X, Y and Z are connected to a cell as shown.

7. Which has the largest current through it?

  • A. X
  • B. Y
  • C. Z
  • D. all have the same current

8. In the circuit above the cell has a voltage of 12V. The potential difference (p.d.) across each bulb will be:

  • A. X = 5V, Y = 4V, Z = 3V
  • B. X = 4V, Y = 4V, Z = 4V
  • C. X = 6V, Y = 6V, Z = 6V
  • D. X = 12V, Y = 12V, Z = 12V

9. Which row in the table best describes how ammeters and voltmeters are connected in a circuit?

Ammeter Voltmeter
series series
series parallel
parallel series
parallel parallel

10. Here is another circuit built using identical bulbs that all light up, but not all at the same brightness.


Which of these bulbs will light up the brightest?