10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5?

Q1-3. The diagram shows particles of a substance in three states of matter.

sttes of matter diagrams showing particles

Yelod - CC 3.0

1. Which of the following statements is true about diagrams X, Y and Z?
  • A.   ‘X’ shows a gas and  ‘Y’ shows a liquid
  • B.   ‘X’ shows a gas and  ‘Z’ shows a solid
  • C.   ‘Z’ shows a gas and  ‘X’ shows a liquid
  • D.   ‘Z’ shows a liquid and  ‘Y’ shows a solid

2. Which of these diagrams shows the particles with the most and the least energy?

  Most energy Least energy

3. Which change occurs during freezing?

  • A. Z to Y
  • B. X to Y
  • C. Y to Z
  • D. X to Z

4. The particles vibrate about a fixed position in a ...

  • A.  gas
  • B.  liquid
  • C.  solid
  • D.  solution

5. In which substance are the particles close together and slowly moving past each other?

  • A. steam
  • B. water
  • C. ice  
  • D. oxygen
6. The particles in molten wax are arranged differently compared to solid wax. The particles in molten wax are ...
  • A. closer together and moving faster.
  • B. closer together and moving slower.
  • C. further apart and moving faster.
  • D. further apart and moving slower.

Q7+8: These questions concern changes of state.

What is the name of the interconversion when ...

7. ...molten iron changes to solid iron.
8. ...steam changes to water.


9. A crystal of copper sulfate was placed in a beaker of water. After some time the crystal had disappeared and the water had turned blue.

Which two processes had taken place?

  • A.   melting and evaporation
  • B.   melting and diffusion
  • C.   dissolving and evaporation
  • D.   dissolving and diffusion

10. A gas jar of air is placed on top of a gas jar of brown bromine gas as in figure 1. The glass disc was removed and after 15 minutes both jars are full of pale brown gas as in figure 2:

bromine diffusion demo

Which statement best explains why the bromine and air mix together as shown?

  • A.   Air molecules sink and bromine molecules rise
  • B.   Air and bromine molecules move around randomly
  • C.   Air is less dense than bromine
  • D.   Air is denser than bromine