10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5?

1. The Periodic Table consists of elements arranged in order of .
2. A vertical column in the Periodic Table is called ...
  • A.   a group
  • B.   a period
  • C.   a symbol
  • D.   an element

3. Elements in the same group have the same number of ...

  • A. neutrons
  • B. protons
  • C. outer electrons
  • D. occupied electron shells
4. Elements in the same period have the same number of ...
  • A.   reactions
  • B.   occupied electron shells
  • C.   neutrons
  • D.   outer electrons
5. An element in period 3 and group 2 of the Periodic Table would be ...
  • A.  a metal with 3 occupied electron shells and 2 outer shell electrons
  • B.  a metal with 2 occupied electron shells and 3 outer shell electrons
  • C.  a non-metal with 3 occupied electron shells and 2 outer shell electrons
  • D. a non-metal with 2 occupied electron shells and 3 outer shell electrons


Q6-7 concern the formation of ions.
6. Ions with a 2+ charge are formed by elements in group .
7. Ions with a 1- charge are formed by elements in group .


8. Noble gases (group 8/0) are unreactive because ...

  • A. they are monatomic gases
  • B. they have a full outer electron shell
  • C. they have an empty outer electron shell
  • D. they are have a low density and are non-flammable
9. An element with electronic configuration 2,6 would be ...
  • A. a metal in period 2 and group 6
  • B. a metal in period 6 and group 2
  • C. a non-metal in period 2 and group 6
  • D. a non-metal in period 6 and group 2

10. Elements can be classified as metals or non-metals based on their ability to conduct electricity and the acid-base nature of their oxides. A metallic element is represented by:

  Electrical conductivity of the element pH of oxide solution
A. poor 4
B. poor 10
C. good 4
D. good 10