You will need a calculator and a copy of the Periodic Table


Atoms are made up of three types of particle: proton, neutron and electron.

1. The particle with the smallest mass is the .
2. The particle with a negative charge is the .
3. The particles always present in equal numbers in an atom are …
  • A.   protons and neutrons
  • B.   protons and electrons
  • C.   neutrons and electrons
  • D.   protons, neutrons and electrons
4. The particles present in the nucleus of an atom are ….
  • A.   proton and neutrons
  • B.   protons and electrons
  • C.   neutrons and electrons
  • D.   protons, neutrons and electrons

5. Isotopes of an element have:

  equal numbers of …. different numbers of…
A protons neutrons
B protons electrons
C neutrons protons
D neutrons electrons

6. The diagram of an atom is shown.


Structure of an atom


Particles X, Y and Z represent:

  X Y Z
A electron proton neutron
B neutron electron proton
C proton neutron electron
D proton electron neutron

An atom of magnesium contains 12 protons, 12 electrons and 14 neutrons.

7. What is the electronic configuration of this atom?

  • A.  2,8,2
  • B.  8,4
  • C.  2,8,4
  • D.  8,6
8. The mass number of this atom is .
9. What do the nuclei of 1 H atoms contain?
  • A.   electrons and neutrons
  • B.   protons and neutrons
  • C.   neutrons only
  • D.   protons only

The table shows information on four particles which are atoms or ions.

  protons neutrons Electronic configuration
P 18 22 2,8,8
Q 19 20 2,8,8
R 19 21 2,8,8,1
S 20 20 2,8,8,2
10. Which particles are ions?
  • A.   P and Q
  • B.   R and S
  • C.   Q only
  • D.   P, R and S
11. Which particles belong to the same element?
  • A.   P and Q
  • B.   P and S
  • C.   Q and R
  • D.   Q and S