Target: 10 Questions in 10 minutes

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1. What is the IUPAC name for this compound?


  • A. cis-1-chloroprop-1-ene
  • B. trans-1-chloroprop-1-ene
  • C. cis-3-chloroprop-2-ene
  • D. trans-3-chloroprop-2-ene

2. Which of the following compounds can exhibit cis-trans isomerism?

II. 1,1-dichlorocyclobutane
III. But-2-ene
  • A.  I and II only
  • B.  I and III only
  • C.  II and III only
  • D.  I, II and III

3. Which of the following reactions can form optically active product(s)?

  • A. CH3CHBrCH3 + KCN heated under reflux
  • B.  benzene ring image  + HNO3 with H2SO4 as a catalyst, heated under reflux 
  • C. C2H6+ Br2 with UV light 
  • D. CH3CH2CH=CH2 + HBr
4. Which of the following statements about optical isomers is incorrect?
  • A.  Optical isomers reflect the plane of polarization of plane-polarised light in opposite directions.
  • B.  Optical isomers are non-superimposable mirror images of each other.
  • C.  Optical isomers exist due to the presence of chiral centres in the molecules.
  • D.  A 50:50 mixture of two enantiomers is known as a racemic mixture.
5. How many chiral centres are there in a molecule of cholesterol?

molecule diagram of cholesterol

  • A. 2
  • B. 4
  • C. 6
  • D. 8
6. Which of the following compounds can show optical activity?
  • A.   CH3CH=CHCl
  • B.   CH3COOCH2CH3
  • C.   NH2CH(OH)COOH
  • D. stereoisomersQ6d molecule
7. All of the molecules below can exhibit cis-trans isomerism except ...
  • A.  2-methylpent-2-ene
  • B.  3-methylpent-2-ene
  • C.  4-methylpent-2-ene
  • D.  pent-2-ene
8. How many isomeric alcohols are there with the molecular formula C4H10O?
  • A.  2
  • B.  4
  • C.  5
  • D.  6
9. How many isomeric molecules are there with the molecular formula C4H8?
  • A.  6
  • B.  5
  • C.  4
  • D.  3
10. How many stereoisomers are there for a molecule with three chiral centres?
  • A.  8
  • B.  6
  • C.  4
  • D.  3