Target: 10 Questions in 10 minutes

An IB Chemistry data booklet is helpful

1. Emission spectra are produced when photons are emitted from atoms as ...
  • A.   excited electrons return to lower energy levels
  • B.   ground state electrons are excited from lower to higher energy levels
  • C.   protons and neutrons rearrange themselves in the nucleus
  • D.   excited electrons move to higher energy levels

2. Which statement is true?

  • A.   Blue light has a higher energy and lower frequency than red light
  • B.   Blue light has lower energy and shorter wavelength than red light
  • C.   Red light has a higher energy and higher frequency than blue light
  • D.   Red light has a lower energy and longer wavelength then blue light

3. What are the relationships between energy and wavelength, and energy and frequency across the electromagnetic spectrum?

  Wavelength Frequency
A $\mathsf {{energy} \propto {wavelength}}$ $\mathsf {{energy} \propto {frequency}}$
B $\mathsf {{energy} \propto {wavelength}}$ $\mathsf {{energy} \propto {1 \over frequency}}$
C $\mathsf {{energy} \propto {1 \over wavelength}}$ $\mathsf {{energy} \propto {frequency}}$
D $\mathsf {{energy} \propto {1 \over wavelength}}$ $\mathsf {{energy} \propto {1 \over frequency}}$
4. Which statement is false?
  • A.   A continuous spectrum contains all possible frequencies
  • B.   A line emission spectrum is produced by electrons moving from higher to lower energy levels
  • C.   Specific frequencies of energy are absorbed in a line emission spectrum
  • D.   A line spectrum consists of discrete lines of specific wavelengths

The line emission spectrum of hydrogen in the visible region is shown below:

Hydrogen line spectrum

Patrick Edward Moran
CC-BY-SA 3.0
5. This spectrum provides evidence that ..
  • A.   Energy levels converge at higher energy
  • B.   Energy levels are evenly distributed
  • C.   Energy levels converge at lower energy
  • D.   Energy levels are randomly arranged
6.Which statement is true for the hydrogen emission spectrum in the visible region?
  • A.   The lines are produced when electrons move from lower to higher energy levels
  • B.   The lines are due to electron transitions into the first energy level
  • C.   The red line represents the greatest energy transition
  • D.   The lines are due to electron transitions into the second energy level
7. In the spectrum above, which of the following is false?
  • A.   Line m has a lower frequency than line n.
  • B.   Line p has a longer wavelength than line m.
  • C.   Line q has the lowest frequency.
  • D.   Line q has a lower energy than line n.

8. Which electronic transition requires the most energy?

  • A.   n = 3 to n = 5
  • B.   n = ∞ to n = 3
  • C.   n = 1 to n = 2
  • D.   n = 3 to n = 1
9. The diagram below (not to scale) represents some of the electron energy levels in the hydrogen atom. Which of the following arrows represents a transition requiring energy in the visible region of the electromagnetic radiation?

4 possible transitions in a hydrogen spectrum

10. Which of the following statements are correct for the hydrogen emission spectrum?

I. It provided evidence that energy levels for electrons are continuous in an atom.
II. Electronic transitions to the n=3 main energy level releases photons in the infrared region of the electromagnetic radiation.
III. Spectral lines produced by a transition to n=1 get closer together at shorter wavelengths
  • A.   I and II only
  • B.   I and III only
  • C.   II and III only
  • D.   I, II and III