10 minutes maximum

An IB Periodic Table is required.

1. Which of the following is NOT a macromolecule?
  • A.   diamond
  • B.   C60 fullerene
  • C.   silicon dioxide
  • D.   graphite

2. Which row correctly shows the number of atoms directly bonded to each carbon atom in the named structures?

  Graphite Diamond Graphene C60 Fullerene
A 3 4 3 3
B 3 4 3 4
C 4 3 4 4
D 4 3 3 3
3. Which statement is true for diamond?
  • A.   Each carbon is held in a tetrahedral arrangement
  • B.   It has weak London forces between layers
  • C.   Carbon atoms are bonded by strong ionic bonds
  • D.   It is a soft substance

4. Which statements about graphite are correct?

I. It conducts electricity as it contains delocalized electrons

II. It has a low melting point as the layers are easily separated

III. It can be used as a lubricant as its layers slide easily over each other

  • A.   I and II only
  • B.   I and III only
  • C.   II and III only
  • D.   I, II and III

5. Diamond, graphite, graphene and C60 buckminsterfullerene are ...

  • A.   Isomers
  • B.   Allotropes
  • C.   Isotopes
  • D.   Hydrocarbons

6. Which statement about silicon is NOT true?

  • A.   All Si-Si-Si bond angles are 109.5°
  • B.   Silicon does not conduct electricity
  • C.   Each silicon atom is bonded covalently to 3 other silicon atoms
  • D.   Silicon has a high melting point as all the bonds are strong

7. Which statements about graphene are correct?

I. Graphene is a good electrical conductor

II. Carbon atoms in graphene are arranged in a single, planar layer of hexagons

III. Graphene has a giant covalent structure

  • A.   I and II only
  • B.   I and III only
  • C.   II and III only
  • D.   I, II and III

8. Which row gives the correct bonding present and melting point in carbon dioxide and silicon dioxide?

  Carbon dioxide Silicon dioxide
A covalent low mpt covalent low mpt
B covalent high mpt ionic high mpt
C ionic high mpt ionic low mpt
D covalent low mpt covalent high mpt
9. Which substance has a high melting point and conducts electricity in the solid state?
  • A.   graphite
  • B.   magnesium oxide
  • C.   silicon dioxide
  • D.   sodium
10. Which statement is true for silicon dioxide, SiO2?
  • A.   It consists of small molecules
  • B.   The O-Si-O bond angles are 180°
  • C.   It is insoluble in water
  • D.   Each Si atom is covalently bonded to 2 oxygen atoms