10 minutes maximum!

An IB Periodic Table is required.

1. Which property will show a general decrease across the Periodic Table from Li to F?
  • A.   atomic radius
  • B.   electron affinity
  • C.   ionization energy
  • D.   electronegativity
2. Which set of ions is listed in order of increasing ionic radius?
  • A.   Cl- < S2- < Ca2+ < K+
  • B.   S2- < Cl- < K+ < Ca2+
  • C.   K+ < Ca2+ < S2- < Cl-
  • D.   Ca2+ < K+< Cl- < S2-
3. Which equation represents the electron affinity of sodium?
  • A.   Na(g)  +  e-Na-(g)
  • B.   Na(s)  +  e-Na-(s)
  • C.   Na(g)Na+(g)  +  e- 
  • D.   Na(s)Na+(s)  +  e- 
4. The ionic radius of Na+ is less than that of F-. Which statement helps to explain this fact?
  • A.   Sodium is in period 3 but fluorine is in period 2
  • B.   Na+ has more electrons than F-
  • C.   Sodium in an alkali metal and fluorine is a halogen
  • D.   Na+ has more protons that F-

5. Which of the following properties will decrease with increasing atomic number for both the Alkali Metals and the Halogens?

I. Electronegativity
II. Ionic radius
III. Electron affinity
  • A.  I and II only
  • B.   II and III only
  • C.   I and III only
  • D.   I, II and III
6. Which of the following are listed in order of increasing radius?
  • A.   Br, Cl
  • B.   Ne, Na
  • C.   O, F
  • D.   Na+, Mg2+
7. Which statement is correct?
  • A.   The ionic radius of sodium is greater than the atomic radius
  • B.   The electron affinity of fluorine is greater than that of oxygen
  • C.   The outer electrons in chlorine are more shielded from the nucleus than those in bromine
  • D.   The ionization energy of potassium is greater than that of lithium
8. Which reason best explains why the magnesium ion is MUCH smaller than the magnesium atom?
  • A.   The magnesium ion has one electron shell less than the atom
  • B.   Both entities have 12 protons in the nucleus
  • C.   The magnesium atom has two electrons more than the ion
  • D.   Magnesium is a metal so forms positive ions
9. Which statement about electronegativity is NOT correct?
  • A.   Sodium has a greater electronegativity value than caesium
  • B.   Metals generally have lower electronegativity values than non-metals
  • C.   Fluorine has a greater electronegativity value than lithium
  • D.   Argon has the highest electronegativity value in period 3

10.Which row correctly states and explains the trend in the ionization energy from Li to Cs?

  Trend Because …
A increases valence electrons are further from the nucleus in Cs
B increases Cs has a greater nuclear charge
C decreases valence electrons are further from the nucleus in Cs
D decreases Cs has a greater nuclear charge