The diagrams show the arrangement of particles in the three states of matter. Each circle represents a particle.

Solid liquid gas particle diagrams

1. The formation of solid iron from molten iron involves a change in arrangement from …
  • A.   X to Y
  • B.   Y to Z
  • C.   Z to Y
  • D.   Z to X
2. The change from X to Y is called ...
  • A.   melting
  • B.   freezing
  • C.   boiling
  • D.   condensation
3. The three states of matter arranged in order from least to most energy is …
  • A.   Z, Y, X
  • B.   Y, Z, X
  • C.   Y, X, Z
  • D.   X, Y, Z
4. Which statement about compounds is NOT true?
  • A. Compounds can only be separated into elements by chemical reactions
  • B. Compounds contain two or more elements chemically combined
  • C. Compounds can be separated into elements by physical processes
  • D. Compounds can be represented by a formula

5. Which of the following substances will be liquid at 25°C and solid if cooled down to 5°C?

  Melting point in °C Boiling point in °C
A -7 56
B 143 534
C 15 97
D -57 23
6. The smallest part of an element that can exist is called ...
  • A. a proton
  • B. an atom
  • C. an ion
  • D. a molecule

7. Which elements are combined in the compounds sodium chlorate and magnesium sulfide?

  Sodium chlorate Magnesium sulfide
A Sodium, chlorine Magnesium, sulfur, oxygen
B Sodium, chlorine Magnesium, sulfur
C Sodium, chlorine, oxygen Magnesium, sulfur, oxygen
D Sodium, chlorine, oxygen Magnesium, sulfur

8. Substances can be classified as elements, compounds or mixtures. In the table below select the row which shows the correct classification for each of the substances.

       diamond iodine Magnesium oxide air
A element compound compound mixture
B compound element mixture compound
C element element compound mixture
D compound compound mixture element


Q9-10. Select the most appropriate term to complete the sentences about the dissolving of sodium chloride in water:

9. Solid sodium chloride was dissolved in water to form a sodium chloride .
10. The sodium chloride is the .