




10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5?

Q1+2: The diagram shows a cross section of a plant stem:

stem cross-section

1. What is the name of tissue X?
  • A. Epidermis
  • B. Mesophyll
  • C. Xylem
  • D. Phloem
2. What substance is translocated in tissue X?
  • A. Sucrose
  • B. Water
  • C. Starch
  • D. Magnesium ions

3-5: A student placed a leaf stalk of celery into a glass of red dye.
 After 3 hours the leaves had turned a pink colour.

3. The dye had risen up the celery stalk by the process of ..

  • A. respiration
  • B. transpiration
  • C. translocation
  • D. transcription
The student cut through the stalk and examined the section under the microscope:

celery in red dye 

4. The regions labelled X were coloured red. What does this tell you about the function of the plant tissue in region X?

  • A. transports sugar
  • B. transports the red solution
  • C. transports oxygen
  • D. transports plant hormones

5. Which conditions would make the dye rise up the stalk more quickly?

  • A. Hot and humid
  • B. Cold and windy
  • C. Hot and windy
  • D. Humid and windy
6-8: This section is about plants and water. Select the best word to complete the sentences:  
Water enters root hairs by .  

The water passes across the root and enters the xylem.

The water rises up the xylem and evaporates from the
mesophyll cells of the leaves.

The water vapour  out of the leaf,  
through small pores called .  

9. A person bought a plant of basil from the shop and left it in a hot kitchen:


healthy basil plant
plant in hot kitchen

wilted basil plant
several hours later

After a few hours the cells of the leaves in the plant have become ..

  • A. flaccid
  • B. turgid
  • C. softer
  • D. darker

10. The rate of transpiration can be measured using a potometer:


Theresa Knott | CC 3.0

The rate was measured in still warm air and with a hot fan.
The graph below shows the two different rates of transpiration:

10. In hot and windy conditions, what is the rate of transpiration?
  • A. 0.33 mm/s
  • B. 0.1 mm/s
  • C. 10 mm/s
  • D. 3 mm/s