10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5?
Q1+2: The diagram shows a cross section of a plant stem:

1. What is the name of tissue X?
- A. Epidermis
- B. Mesophyll
- C. Xylem
- D. Phloem
| |
2. What substance is translocated in tissue X?
- A. Sucrose
- B. Water
- C. Starch
- D. Magnesium ions
| |
3-5: A student placed a leaf stalk of celery into a glass of red dye.
After 3 hours the leaves had turned a pink colour. |
3. The dye had risen up the celery stalk by the process of ..
- A. respiration
- B. transpiration
- C. translocation
- D. transcription
| |
The student cut through the stalk and examined the section under the microscope:

4. The regions labelled X were coloured red. What does this tell you about the function of the plant tissue in region X?
- A. transports sugar
- B. transports the red solution
- C. transports oxygen
- D. transports plant hormones
| |
5. Which conditions would make the dye rise up the stalk more quickly?
- A. Hot and humid
- B. Cold and windy
- C. Hot and windy
- D. Humid and windy
| |
6-8: This section is about plants and water. Select the best word to complete the sentences: |
Water enters root hairs by
. |
The water passes across the root and enters the xylem.
The water rises up the xylem and evaporates from the
mesophyll cells of the leaves. |
The water vapour
out of the leaf, |
through small pores called
. |
9. A person bought a plant of basil from the shop and left it in a hot kitchen: |

plant in hot kitchen

several hours later |
After a few hours the cells of the leaves in the plant have become ..
- A. flaccid
- B. turgid
- C. softer
- D. darker
| |
10. The rate of transpiration can be measured using a potometer:

| Theresa Knott | CC 3.0 |
The rate was measured in still warm air and with a hot fan.
The graph below shows the two different rates of transpiration:

| |
10. In hot and windy conditions, what is the rate of transpiration?
- A. 0.33 mm/s
- B. 0.1 mm/s
- C. 10 mm/s
- D. 3 mm/s
| |