10 minutes maximum! Can you do it in 5?

Glacier Argentina
Glacier In Argentina

Fragile Earth Image
1. Greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere heat.
2. Which one of the following is not a greenhouse gas?
  • A. Carbon dioxide
  • B. Oxygen
  • C. Methane
  • D. Water vapour
3. What would happen to the average temperature of the Earth if there were no greenhouse gasses?
  • A. Stay the same
  • B. Increase by 1oC
  • C. Decrease by 1oC
  • D. Decrease to below 0oC

4-6: The graph shows the changes in the average temperature of the Earth over the last 140 years:

Graph showing global temperature changes

Wikimedia commons
4. How does the mean temperature in 2020 compared with 1980?
  • A. The same
  • B. 1.0oC Higher
  • C. 1.4oC Higher
  • D. 0.8oC Higher
5. Which of the following environmental problems is thought to be caused by global warming?
  • A. Extreme weather events e.g. stronger hurricanes
  • B. Higher sea levels
  • C. Retreat of glaciers
  • D. All of the above
6. Which of the following activities would NOT have contributed to the enhanced greenhouse effect?
  • A. Deforestation
  • B. Producing electricity using wind farms
  • C. Increasing the size and number of herds of cattle farmed for beef
  • D. Producing electricity in coal fired power stations
7. Loss of habitat, increase flooding, increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and extinction of species may be the result of ...
  • A. deforestation
  • B. a hole in the ozone layer
  • C. an increase in sewage output
  • D. acid rain
8+9: The image shows untreated sewage entering a river.

raw sewage released into river


8. Which of the following may occur immediately downstream of the sewage outfall?

  % Oxygen in water Number of Bacteria Biodiversity
A Increases Increase Decrease
B Decrease Increase Increase
C Decrease Increase Decrease
D Increase Decrease Decrease
9. The sewage may contain nitrogenous waste. This will contribute to eutrophication.

What may be the result of eutrophication?

  • A. Greater rate of photosynthesis of riverside plants
  • B. Fish dying through lack of oxygen
  • C. Increased biodiversity
  • D. Decrease populations of decomposers
10. Which of the following is a consequence of sulphur dioxide pollution?
  • A. Production of acid rain
  • B. Eutrophication
  • C. Global warming
  • D. Production of ozone