




This quiz contains a mix of SL and HL questions

1. Which of the following is an adaptation of mammalian lungs that facilitates efficient gas exchange?
  • A. Wall of alveolus is one cell thick
  • B. Spherical shape of an alveolus producing large surface-area to volume ratio
  • C. Extensive arteriole network
  • D. Surfactant to increase surface tension

Q2+3: The image shows a potometer used to measure rates of transpiration.

Potometer diagram

Theresa knott on en.wikipedia (adapted)
CC-BY-SA 3.0
2. Which part of the potometer labelled A to D is used to reset the position of the air bubble?
3. Which statement correctly describes a factor that directly affects the rate of transpiration in plants?
  • A. Decreased humidity increases transpiration rates
  • B. Increased humidity increases transpiration rates.
  • C. Presence of stomatal guard cells decreases transpiration rates
  • D. Increased CO2 concentration increases transpiration rates.

4. Which option in the table below describes the processes that occur during exhalation (breathing out)?

  Diaphragm  External Intercostals  Abdominal Muscles
A Relax Contract Relax
B Contract Contract Relax
C Contract Relax Contract
D Relax Relax Contract

5.  Which is the best description for cooperative binding in haemoglobin?

  • A. Oxygen directly binding to one haem group decreases the affinity of other haem groups for oxygen
  • B. Carbon dioxide directly binding to one haem group decreases the affinity of other haem groups for oxygen
  • C. Oxygen binding directly to one haem group increases the affinity of other haem groups for oxygen
  • D. Oxygen directly binding to one haem group decreases the affinity of other haem groups for carbon dioxide

Q6-8. The image shows an adult haemoglobin dissociation curve.

Hemoglobin saturation curve - graph

6. Where in the body would you mostly likely find blood labelled X on the graph?
  • A. Lungs
  • B. Right ventricle
  • C. Pulmonary artery
  • D. Capillaries
7. If you were to draw the fetal haemoglobin dissociation curve on the above graph, where would it appear?
  • A. Below the adult curve
  • B. To the right of the adult curve
  • C. In the same place as the adult curve
  • D. To the left of the adult curve

8. Which of the following applies to the above haemoglobin dissociation curve?

I. The haemoglobin dissociation curve represents the relationship between the partial pressure of oxygen and the saturation of haemoglobin with oxygen.
II. Shows the effect of increasing pH due to actively respiring cells.
III. Cooperative binding refers to the phenomenon where the binding of one oxygen molecule to haemoglobin increases the affinity for subsequent oxygen molecules.
  • A. II only
  • B. III only
  • C. I and III only
  • D. I, II and III

Q9&10. The image shows lung volumes on a spirometry tracing.

Mesophyte_leaf_Syringia cross-section

LungVolume.jpg: The original uploader was Vihsadas at English Wikipedia.derivative work: rscottweekly (adapted)
CC-BY-SA 3.0
9. Which volumes add together to equal vital capacity?
  • A. I and III only
  • B. II and III only
  • C. I, II and III only
  • D. I and IV only
10. Expiratory reserve volume can be calculated from the vital capacity minus which volume(s)?
  • A. I and III only
  • B. I only
  • C. II only
  • D. III only