Essential idea: The evolution of multicellular organisms allowed cell specialisation and cell replacement.

1. This image is of a light microscope.

parts of a microscope

When observing cheek cells using a light microscope the following actions should be carried out:

I. Place microscope slide on the stage
II. Using the coarse adjustment focus using the smallest magnification objective lens
III. Using the fine adjustment focus using the highest magnification objective lens
IV. Switch on the light

CC-BY-SA 1.0

Which is the correct order of actions when trying to focus on the cells?

  • A. I > II > III > IV
  • B. IV > II > I > III
  • C. IV > I > II > III
  • D. I > III > II > IV

2. To view the cheek cells the student used a x10 Eyepiece / Ocular lens and a x40 Objective lens.


Human Cheek Cell
A human cheek cell stained with methylene blue.
Krishna Satya 333    CC-BY-SA 4.0

What was the magnification of the cheek cell as seen using the microscope?

  • A. x 10
  • B. x 40
  • C. x 400
  • D. x 4000

3. Using a light microscope, a student viewed some red blood cells. To see the cells clearly the student used a X 10 eyepiece and a X 40 objective.
The image shows one of the cells.

How big will the  actual image of the cell be when seen using these lenses?

red blood cell
  • A. 2.8 mm
  • B. 5.7 mm
  • C. 2800 mm
  • D. 0.17 mm
4. The cell theory states that ...
  • A.  The basic unit of life is a cell
  • B.  All living cells require glucose for survival
  • C.  All living things must have mitochondria
  • D. All living cells must have a cell wall
5. A student observes the following features under the microscope. Which of these observations supports cell theory?
  • A. Striated muscle is made of fibres that contain many nuclei
  • B. Mature platelet cells do not contain a nucleus, but do contain mitochondria
  • C. Sperm cells undergoing mitosis
  • D. Fungi consists on narrow thread like structures called hyphae. The hyphae of some fungi have many nuclei with no cross cell walls present
6. Viruses infect cells and replicate themselves by utilizing various enzymes and cellular components of their host cell.  Does viral replication support the idea of cell theory?
  • A. Yes, because one virus directly arises another virus
  • B. No, because viruses do not directly come from other viruses; they require an intermediate cell to replicate
  • C. Yes, because an individual virus is a singular cellular unit
  • D. No,  because they are not living organisms
7. The rate at which substances can cross the plasma membrane at the surface of a cell depends on its surface area.  The surface area (SA) to volume (V) ratio is therefore very important.

For cells to stay alive which SA:V ratio do they require?

  • A. Small SA, Large V
  • B. Small SA, Small V
  • C. Large SA, Large V
  • D. Large SA, Small V
8. Select the INCORRECT statement in the following:
  • A. Stem cells can divide repeatedly to produce large numbers of new cells
  • B. Stem cells are not fully differentiated and can differentiate to produce different types of cells.
  • C. Stem cells are only found in plant stems
  • D. Stem cells are found in embryonic tissue
9. Stargardt disease is an inherited disorder of the retina which may lead to blindness. Patients with Stargardt’s disease may be treated using retinal cells developed from embryonic stem cells.

This type of treatment is known as ...

  • A. Surgery
  • B. Therapeutic
  • C. Physiotherapy
  • D. Radiotherapy
10. Stem cells may be obtained from the umbilical cord of a new born baby. 

Why is this a good process for obtaining stem cells?

I. The cells can easily be obtained and stored
II. The umbilical cord is discarded whether or not stem cells are removed from it
III. No rejection problems as cells are fully compatible with the tissues of an adult that grows from the baby

cell dividing - pixabay
  • A. I only
  • B. I and II
  • C. II and III
  • D. I, II and III